Maybe you care a lot about your privacy, or maybe you don’t want your the people on your friends list to see who you have recently added. In this short guide, I will show you how to hide your friends list on the Facebook app so that people can only see who you are mutual friends with. i.e. They will not be able to see anyone else. Settings menu.

May 19, 2020 · The left tab on the bottom, ‘People’, is where you’ll find your friends just like before. You can hide your location and fake your location in all the same ways as before, it’s just now condensed into a single app. Jul 03, 2017 · By default, all your Friends are added into the “These people or lists” box in the “Share this with” section. If you only want to share the current post with a certain person, click the “X” on the “Friends” box to remove it. Click at the top right of Facebook and select Settings. In the left column, click Privacy. Look for the setting Who can see your friends list? and click Edit to the far right. Select the audience of people (such as Friends) you'd like to have access to your friends list. Jul 26, 2019 · To do so, click the “Friends and Chat” option in steam, click your username, and select “Offline” or “Invisible.” Your friends won’t be able to see what you’re playing right now, although this information will still appear on your profile page. Mar 25, 2020 · Select the level of privacy you want for the like visibility of the category. Your options include: Public, Friends, Only me, Custom, Close Friends, and Family. If you want to hide your likes from everyone but yourself, select Only Me.

How to Hide your Last Seen Activity Status on Instagram? Answer: Similar to other social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, etc, Instagram also added a new feature called ‘Activity Status’ in the Direct Message section. Using this feature, you can see when your friend was last time online or their current status. To control news feed entries, move your mouse over a news feed from a friend that you want to hide, and a "Hide" button will appear. You can hide the post or hide all posts from a particular friend. However, you can't avoid posts from friends on your Wall; you can only erase specific posts by going through them one by one or as they appear. The Facebook application on Android and the Facebook mobile website don't have the option to hide the _is now friends with_, _became friends with_ or _ and _ are now friends notifications, but there's still a little trick to do this by using a setting in Google Chrome on Android. 1.

How to Hide your Last Seen Activity Status on Instagram? Answer: Similar to other social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, etc, Instagram also added a new feature called ‘Activity Status’ in the Direct Message section. Using this feature, you can see when your friend was last time online or their current status.

May 24, 2020 · How to Appear Offline in Steam. If you want to play in privacy for a while, you can. While friends who game are amazing, sometimes you want a little alone time to indulge in a guilty secret game or just to play alone for a while. Sep 30, 2019 · If the comment you wish to hide is in the comment section of a Facebook page you follow or a friend’s post, you can follow the same procedure as above: Long press on the comment and choose